Sunday, January 13, 2008

FBC Youth Help to Build Church in Uganda

UPDATE 1/23/08 -
Current Total Raised: $97
Goal: $2,000
Percent of Goal: 5%

Back in December, we heard from Sandy Marek, a missionary to Uganda. She shared with us about an opportunity to help reach the people of Uganda for Christ without having to leave La Vernia. There is a ministry that builds churches and names them in honor of the people who provided the means for it to be built.

Sandy and her family did that and had a church built in memory of her grandmother. The pictures of the church that was built and a close up of the sign with her name are shown here.

The youth of FBCLV thought it would be AWESOME for everyone to work toward the $2,000 goal and have a church built in honor of the FBC Youth. We will be tracking our status toward the goal and providing updates to let everyone know how close we are. It's cool to see that God is going to use a group of teenagers from little bitty La Vernia to reach people for Him on the other side of the world.

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